Why You Need The Representation Of A Defense Attorney

When a person suddenly finds them arrested, they will often panic and start trying to defend themselves to law enforcement. This is definitely the wrong thing to do because you own the right of remaining silent so that your words can't be held against you. Let's take a quick look at some of the other details involved in defending yourself successfully with the use of a reputable defense attorney.

While you are being arrested, the law enforcement officer is supposed to read you your rights. The important thing to remember is that you own the right of remaining silent, and to have a legal aid. You are also entitled to make a phone call, and in order to make sure it is not wasted, you might want to make it a person you can trust to find the best lawyer for you. Once these matters are handled, you must remain silent.

When your defense attorney has been retained and begins to represent you, there will be an arraignment where the charges against you will be read and entered into the court records. During this time your bail is established, and the lawyer should attempt to make it as low as possible. The judge has the final say over this, and if you can make bail you can be released instead of going back to jail.
After pleading not guilty, the defense process begins and both sides are to exchange information that is involved in presenting your side of the story. Statements, depositions, photos, witnesses and anything else that can help in proving your innocence, will be gathered and examined as evidence.
If you elect to go to trial, your case will be heard by a jury. When you decide to take this route, 12 people will be selected for jury duty to hear your case. You are entitled to a trial by jury of your peers, and your attorney will interview each of them during the selection process. He will query them to make sure there is no conflict of interest which could harm your case.

Under usual circumstances, the defendant is required to appear in court for each day of the trial, for the duration of the proceedings. In the event that it is not possible for you to appear in court, due to some illness or medical condition, the judge can arrange what amounts to closed circuit television where each side of the broadcast can hear and participate in the hearing.

Should you be deemed guilty by the jury, there will be a sentencing hearing where your lawyer will make every effort to get a reasonable sentence. In most cases, time already served can be deducted from the full term, and your representative should immediately petition the court for the appeal process.

The most important thing to remember if you are arrested for any charges is to exercise your right of remaining silent, and not discuss your case with anyone but your attorney. You can make one phone call, and you should choose someone you know who will be available at the other end to start helping you find a reputable and experienced defense attorney to represent you.


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